The Standard ML Basis Library

The Posix.Error structure


signature POSIX_ERROR
structure Error : POSIX_ERROR

The structure Posix.Error provides symbolic names for errors that may be generated by the POSIX library, and various related functions.


eqtype syserror = OS.Process.syserror

val toWord   : syserror -> SysWord.word
val fromWord : SysWord.word -> syserror

val errorMsg : syserror -> string
val errorName : syserror -> string
val syserror : string -> syserror option

val acces       : syserror
val again       : syserror
val badf        : syserror
val badmsg      : syserror
val busy        : syserror
val canceled    : syserror
val child       : syserror
val deadlk      : syserror
val dom         : syserror
val exist       : syserror
val fault       : syserror
val fbig        : syserror
val inprogress  : syserror
val intr        : syserror
val inval       : syserror
val io          : syserror
val isdir       : syserror
val loop        : syserror
val mfile       : syserror
val mlink       : syserror
val msgsize     : syserror
val nametoolong : syserror
val nfile       : syserror
val nodev       : syserror
val noent       : syserror
val noexec      : syserror
val nolck       : syserror
val nomem       : syserror
val nospc       : syserror
val nosys       : syserror
val notdir   : syserror
val notempty : syserror
val notsup   : syserror
val notty    : syserror
val nxio     : syserror
val perm     : syserror
val pipe     : syserror
val range    : syserror
val rofs     : syserror
val spipe    : syserror
val srch     : syserror
val toobig   : syserror
val xdev     : syserror


eqtype syserror = OS.Process.syserror
POSIX error type. This is identical to the type OS.syserror.

val toWord : syserror -> SysWord.word
val fromWord : SysWord.word -> syserror
These functions convert between syserror values and non-zero word representations. Note that there is no validation that a syserror value generated using fromWord corresponds to an error value supported by the underlying system.

errorMsg sy
returns a string that describes the system error sy.

errorName err
returns a unique name used for the syserror value.

syserror s
returns the syserror whose name is s if it exists. If e is a syserror, we have SOME(e) = syserror(errorName e).

See Also

OS, Posix


The values defined in this structure represent the standard POSIX errors. The following table provides a brief description of their meanings:

SML name Description
acces An attempt was made to access a file in a way that is forbidden by its file access permissions.
again A resource is temporarily unavailable, and later calls to the same routine may complete normally.
badf A bad file descriptor was out of range or referred to no open file, or a read (write) request was made to a file which was only open for writing (reading).
badmsg The implementation has detected a corrupted message.
busy An attempt was made to use a system resource that was being used in a conflicting manner by another process.
canceled The associated asynchronous operation was canceled before completion.
child A wait related function was executed by a process that had no existing or unwaited-for child process.
deadlk An attempt was made to lock a system resource which would have resulted in a deadlock situation.
dom An input argument was outside the defined domain of a mathematical function.
exist An existing file was specified in an inappropriate context; for instance, as the new link in a link function.
fault The system detected an invalid address in attempting to use an argument of a system call.
fbig The size of a file would exceed an implementation-defined maximum file size.
inprogress An asynchronous process has not yet completed.
intr An asynchronous signal (such as a quit or a term (terminate) signal) was caught by the process during the execution of an interruptible function.
inval An invalid argument was supplied.
io Some physical input or output error occurred.
isdir An illegal operation was attempted on a directory, such as opening a directory for writing.
loop A loop was encountered during pathname resolution due to symbolic links.
mfile An attempt was made to open more than the maximum number of file descriptors allowed in this process.
mlink An attempt was made to have the link count of a single file exceed a system-dependent limit.
msgsize An inappropriate message buffer length was used.
nametoolong The size of a pathname string, or a pathname component, was longer than the system-dependent limit.
nfile There were too many open files.
nodev An attempt was made to apply an inappropriate function to a device; for example, trying to read from a write-only device such as a printer.
noent A component of a specified pathname did not exist, or the pathname was an empty string.
noexec A request was made to execute a file that, although it had the appropriate permissions, was not in the format required by the implementation for executable files.
nolck A system-imposed limit on the number of simultaneous file and record locks was reached.
nomem The process image required more memory than was allowed by the hardware or by system-imposed memory management constraints.
nospc During a write operation on a regular file, or when extending a directory, there was no free space left on the device.
nosys An attempt was made to use a function that is not available in this implementation.
notdir A component of the specified pathname existed, but it was not a directory, when a directory was expected.
notempty A directory with entries other than "." and ".." was supplied when an empty directory was expected.
notsup The implementation does not support this feature of the standard.
notty A control function was attempted for a file or a special file for which the operation was inappropriate.
nxio Input or output on a special file referred to a device which did not exist, or made a request beyond the limits of the device. This error may occur when, for example, a tape drive is not online.
perm An attempt was made to perform an operation limited to processes with appropriate privileges or to the owner of a file or some other resource.
pipe A write was attempted on a pipe or FIFO for which there was no process to read the data.
range The result of a function was too large to fit in the available space.
rofs An attempt was made to modify a file or directory on a file system which was read-only at that time.
spipe An invalid seek operation was issued on a pipe or FIFO.
srch No such process could be found corresponding to that specified by a given process ID.
toobig The sum of bytes used by the argument list and environment list was greater than the system-imposed limit.
xdev A link to a file on another file system was attempted.

The string representation of a syserror value, as returned by errorName, is the name of the error. Thus, errorName badmsg = "badmsg".

The name of a corresponding POSIX error can be derived by capitalizing all letters and adding the character ``E'' as a prefix. For example, the POSIX error associated with nodev is ENODEV. The only exception to this rule is the error toobig, whose associated POSIX error is E2BIG.

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Generated April 12, 2004
Last Modified July 1, 2002
Comments to John Reppy.

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