The Standard ML Basis Library

The Posix.IO structure


signature POSIX_IO
structure IO : POSIX_IO

The structure Posix.IO specifies functions that provide the primitive POSIX input/output operations, as described in Section 6 of the POSIX standard 1003.1,1996[CITE].


eqtype file_desc
eqtype pid

val pipe : unit -> {infd : file_desc, outfd : file_desc}
val dup : file_desc -> file_desc
val dup2 : {old : file_desc, new : file_desc} -> unit
val close : file_desc -> unit

val readVec : file_desc * int -> Word8Vector.vector
val readArr : file_desc * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int
val writeVec : file_desc * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> int
val writeArr : file_desc * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int

datatype whence

structure FD : sig
    include BIT_FLAGS
    val cloexec : flags

structure O : sig
    include BIT_FLAGS
    val append : flags
    val nonblock : flags
    val sync : flags

datatype open_mode
  | O_RDWR

val dupfd : {old : file_desc, base : file_desc}
              -> file_desc
val getfd : file_desc -> FD.flags
val setfd : file_desc * FD.flags -> unit
val getfl : file_desc -> O.flags * open_mode
val setfl : file_desc * O.flags -> unit

val lseek : file_desc * * whence
val fsync : file_desc -> unit

datatype lock_type

structure FLock : sig
    type flock
    val flock : {
                    ltype : lock_type,
                    whence : whence,
                    start :,
                    len :,
                    pid : pid option
                  } -> flock
    val ltype  : flock -> lock_type
    val whence : flock -> whence
    val start  : flock ->
    val len    : flock ->
    val pid    : flock -> pid option

val getlk : file_desc * FLock.flock -> FLock.flock
val setlk : file_desc * FLock.flock -> FLock.flock
val setlkw : file_desc * FLock.flock -> FLock.flock

val mkBinReader  : {
                       fd : file_desc,
                       name : string,
                       initBlkMode : bool
                     } -> BinPrimIO.reader
val mkTextReader : {
                       fd : file_desc,
                       name : string,
                       initBlkMode : bool
                     } -> TextPrimIO.reader
val mkBinWriter  : {
                       fd : file_desc,
                       name : string,
                       appendMode : bool,
                       initBlkMode : bool,
                       chunkSize : int
                     } -> BinPrimIO.writer
val mkTextWriter : {
                       fd : file_desc,
                       name : string,
                       appendMode : bool,
                       initBlkMode : bool,
                       chunkSize : int
                     } -> TextPrimIO.writer


eqtype file_desc
Open file descriptor.

eqtype pid
A process ID, used as an identifier for an operating system process.

val pipe : unit -> {infd : file_desc, outfd : file_desc}
This creates a pipe (channel) and returns two file descriptors that refer to the read (infd) and write (outfd) ends of the pipe.

dup fd
returns a new file descriptor that refers to the same open file, with the same file pointer and access mode, as fd. The underlying word (see Posix.FileSys.fdToWord) of the returned file descriptor is the lowest one available. It is equivalent to dupfd {old=fd, base=Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w0}.

dup2 {old, new}
duplicates the open file descriptor old as file descriptor new.

close fd
closes the file descriptor fd.

readVec (fd, n)
reads at most n bytes from the file referred to by fd. The size of the resulting vector is the number of bytes that were successfully read, which may be less than n. This function returns the empty vector if end-of-stream is detected (or if n is 0). It raises the Size exception if n < 0.

readArr (fd, slice)
reads bytes from the file specified by fd into the array slice slice and returns the number of bytes actually read. The end-of-file condition is marked by returning 0, although 0 is also returned if the slice is empty. This function will raise OS.SysErr if there is some problem with the underlying system call (e.g., the file is closed).

writeVec (fd, slice)
writeArr (fd, slice)
These functions write the bytes the vector or array slice slice to the open file fd. Both functions return the number bytes actually written and will raise OS.SysErr if there is some problem with the underlying system call (e.g., the file is closed or there is insufficient disk space).

structure FD

val cloexec : flags
File descriptor flag that, if set, will cause the file descriptor to be closed should the opening process replace itself (through exec, etc.). If cloexec is not set, the open file descriptor will be inherited by the new process.

structure O

val append : flags
File status flag which forces the file offset to be set to the end of the file prior to each write.

val nonblock : flags
File status flag used to enable non-blocking I/O.

val sync : flags
File status flag enabling writes using ``synchronized I/O file integrity completion.''

datatype open_mode
Operations allowed on an open file.
Open a file for reading only.

Open a file for writing only.

Open a file for reading and writing.

dupfd {old, base}
returns a new file descriptor bound to old. The returned descriptor is greater than or equal to the file descriptor base based on the underlying integer mapping defined by Posix.FileSys.fdToWord and Posix.FileSys.wordToFD. It corresponds to the POSIX fcntl function with the F_DUPFD command.

getfd fd
gets the file descriptor flags associated with fd. It corresponds to the POSIX fcntl function with the F_GETFD command.

setfd (fd, fl)
sets the flags of file descriptor fd to fl. It corresponds to the POSIX fcntl function with the F_SETFD command.

getfl fd
gets the file status flags for the open file descriptor fd and the access mode in which the file was opened. It corresponds to the POSIX fcntl function with the F_GETFL command.

setfl (fd, fl)
sets the file status flags for the open file descriptor fd to fl. It corresponds to the POSIX fcntl function with the F_SETFL command.

lseek (fd, off, wh)
sets the file offset for the open file descriptor fd to off if wh is SEEK_SET; to its current value plus off bytes if wh is SEEK_CUR; or, to the size of the file plus off bytes if wh is SEEK_END. Note that off may be negative.

fsync fd
indicates that all data for the open file descriptor fd is to be transferred to the device associated with the descriptor; it is similar to a ``flush'' operation.

datatype lock_type
These constructors denote the kind of lock. F_RDLCK indicates a shared or read lock. F_WRLCK indicates an exclusive or write lock. F_WRLCK indicates a lock is unlocked or inactive.

structure FLock

type flock
Type representing an advisory lock. It can be considered an abstraction of the record used as the argument to the flock function below.

flock {ltype, whence, start, len, pid}
creates a flock value described by the parameters. The whence and start parameters give the beginning file position as in lseek. The len value provides the number of bytes to be locked. If the section starts at the beginning of the file and len = 0, then the entire file is locked. Normally, pid will be NONE. This value is only used in a flock returned by getlk.

val ltype : flock -> lock_type
val whence : flock -> whence
val start : flock ->
val len : flock ->
val pid : flock -> pid option
These are projection functions for the fields composing a flock value.

getlk (fd, fl)
gets the first lock that blocks the lock description fl on the open file descriptor fd. It corresponds to the POSIX fcntl function with the F_GETLK command.

setlk (fd, fl)
sets or clears a file segment lock according to the lock description fl on the open file descriptor fd. An exception is raised immediately if a shared or exclusive lock cannot be set. It corresponds to the POSIX fcntl function with the F_SETLK command.

val setlkw : file_desc * FLock.flock -> FLock.flock
This is similar to the setlk function above except that setlkw waits on blocked locks until they are released. It corresponds to the POSIX fcntl function with the F_SETLKW command.

val mkBinReader : {
                      fd : file_desc,
                      name : string,
                      initBlkMode : bool
                    } -> BinPrimIO.reader
val mkTextReader : {
                       fd : file_desc,
                       name : string,
                       initBlkMode : bool
                     } -> TextPrimIO.reader
These functions convert an open POSIX file descriptor into a reader. From this, one can then construct an input stream. The functions are comparable to the POSIX function fdopen.

The argument fields have the following meanings:

A file descriptor for a file opened for reading.
The name associated with the file, used in error messages shown to the user.
False if the file is currently in non-blocking mode, i.e., if the flag O.nonblock is set in #1(getfl fd).

val mkBinWriter : {
                      fd : file_desc,
                      name : string,
                      appendMode : bool,
                      initBlkMode : bool,
                      chunkSize : int
                    } -> BinPrimIO.writer
val mkTextWriter : {
                       fd : file_desc,
                       name : string,
                       appendMode : bool,
                       initBlkMode : bool,
                       chunkSize : int
                     } -> TextPrimIO.writer
These functions convert an open POSIX file descriptor into a writer. From this, one can then construct an output stream. The functions are comparable to the POSIX function fdopen.

The argument fields have the following meanings:

A file descriptor for a file opened for writing.
The name associated with the file, used in error messages shown to the user.
False if the file is currently in non-blocking mode, i.e., if the flag O.nonblock is set in #1(getfl fd).
True if the file is in append mode, i.e., if the flag O.append is set in #1(getfl fd).
The recommended size of write operations for efficient writing.

See Also

BIT_FLAGS, OS.IO, Posix, Posix.Error, Posix.FileSys, Posix.IO



Why don't mk*Reader allow a chunkSize parameter? Or why do mk*Writer allow this?

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Generated April 12, 2004
Last Modified July 1, 2002
Comments to John Reppy.

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